Saturday, January 17, 2009

"But if ye will turn to the Lord..."

"But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage." - Mosiah 7:33

I studied this chapter today. I found it really interesting. Limhi speaks to his people in such a way as to both a) warn and discipline them for the actions they have committed in the past and b) give them a greater faith and a brighter hope for the future, conditional to their obedience. I don't know if he knew it at the time, but Limhi was quite a good speaker.

I liked the above-quoted scripture most because of what it teaches. It teaches that if we but turn unto the Lord, we will be delivered out of bondage. The important thing to remember, however, is the way he tells us how to "turn to the Lord." He teaches that we must turn with "full purpose of heart", putting "[our] trust in him," and serving "him with all diligence of mind." It is THEN, and ONLY then, will the rest of the promise in the scripture come true: that he will "deliver [us] out of bondage."

What bondage you might ask? Pick a topic in the news. How many people are in bondage today?
What is binding us? What is it that is stopping us from being the people we know we should be? What is it that holds us back from stepping up and doing the thing we know is right? Perhaps we're bound more than we thought?

But Limhi taught us and his people a great lesson - we do not have to remain bound. There is an escape. In this case, it is the Lord Omnipotent.

I know this is true.

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