Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Fruits of the First Vision

I had an opportunity today to read a talk by President Uchtdorf, about the fruits of the First Vision. I must say I enjoyed it thoroughly. Elder Uchtdorf always has a way of tying gospel principles into examples in his life, together with a solemn testimony of the truth. A very powerful speaker.

But we're not here to talk about him. The topics addressed in his talk, however, are some to be pondered over. Like, it is because of a simple prayer made by a 14 year-old boy that brought forth the First Vision, which in turn, brought forth the entirety of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of one simple, sincere, heart-felt prayer, Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ standing in front of him. God spoke, directly to man, just as in the olden days! What a glorious moment in Earth's history! For the longest time men had thought the heavens closed, boarded up, never to be open again, because of the distortion and apostasy that happened since the death of Christ and the killing of all his apostles.

Those men would have been grateful to live in such an extraordinary time, when the Gospel that Jesus Christ taught while he was here has been restored in its fullness.

One thing I love about Joseph Smith is that he never talked highly of himself. He always focused the people's worship in Christ, lifting them up, inspiring them. And yet, he himself was a man of character, wisdom, intelligence, faith, virtue, and dedication. He was not perfect, but he strived to be in harmony with the Lord.

The only way that someone can know if he was truly a Prophet of God, and really did see those personages in the grove that Spring morning, is by the power of the Holy Ghost. John teaches that it is by the power of the Holy Ghost that all truth will be confirmed, and thus it is by his power that the truth of the First Vision, and all its subsequent fruits, can be confirmed.

Prayer is always an option.