Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Scripture study...

Something that is so essential to our salvation, so vital to the lives of each and every person that lives today. The scriptures contain the truth, the truth of the gospel. Through the scriptures, we learn of enduring examples, miraculous feats, wonders, and teachings that even most men these days have yet to fully comprehend.

And yet... the scriptures are so neglected. Almost anything becomes a priority above the scriptures and the reading of them. Almost anything seems more important that sitting down, taking a break from life, and diving into the scriptures, studying and dissecting each and every word for the deeper meaning.

There has been, I must admit, few times where I have been able to do the same thing. To delve so deeply into the scriptures that even sleep seems a burden, because of the things one can learn from such wonderful and perfect words! There is something exciting about the stories and words that are shared in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. The doctrine is real, and it's there, right in front of us. All we have to do is dig deep enough to reach the treasure.

Unfortunately, many people only see the dirt and gunk on top, and do not have the diligence or faith to continue digging deeper to get the real treasure.

I may be one of those.
